ENERO is an independent non-profit technical consultancy and research center in the field of energy, established in 1999.

ENERO promotes the research, innovation and technological transfer in the field of the production and efficient use of energy, renewable sources and clean energy production technologies.


  • Development and promotion of the renewable energy sources and the clean and efficient use of energy;
  • Promotion of the European Union policy and strategy in the field of energy.



  • Market studies and research projects;
  • Consultancy and assistance for the implementation of new energy technologies;
  • Dissemination of informations in different publications, organising conferences, workshops, seminaries, courses, expositions, infodays, networking activities,  etc.

Most of the activities are taking place within the European research and promovation programmes (Framework Programmes, Intelligent Energy Europe, Horizon2020, South-East Europe etc.), but also within other international actions or projects financed from the Romanian public research budget.

Approached directions: renewable energy sources (wind, photovoltaic, bioeneregy), energy efficieny in industry, residential sector, services, transports, etc.